

The place called Yajapura is very well known in Orissa. It is situated on the southern side of the Vaitarani River. It is also called as Jajapur. Formerly great sages performed sacrifices on the bank of the Vaitarani River; consequently the place is known as Yajapura, “the place where sacrifices are performed.” According to a local legend, when the Lord Brahma was performing Ashvamedha yajna (sacrifice), he realised that the Vedas were stolen. He then requested Lord Vishnu for help to retrieve them. As soon as the yajna was completed, Lord Vishnu emerged out of the sacrificial fire in the form of a boar – his avatar Varaha with the stolen scriptures. From that time onwards, the location of the yajna came to be known as Jajpur. In some versions, Brahma completes ten Ashvamedha yajnas, after which Varaha appers. The place is also called as Gada Kshetra after the gada (mace) used by Lord Varaha to get the Vedas.

Some people say that this was one of the capital cities of King Yayati and that from the name Yayati-nagara the name Yajapura has come. As stated in the Mahabharata (Vana-parva, Chapter 114): ete kalingah kaunteya yatra vaitarani nadi / yatrayajata dharmo ’pi devan saranam etya vai / atra vai rsayo ’nye ca pura kratubhir ijire : According to the Mahabharata, great sages formerly performed sacrifices in this place.

There are still many temples of demigods and incarnations there, and there is also a Deity of Sri Varahadeva. This Deity is especially important and is visited by many pilgrims. Those who worship the Supreme Lord’s energy worship her as Varahi, Vaisnavi and Indrani, the internal energy. There are many deities of Lord Siva, and there are many places along the river known as Dasasvamedha-ghata. Sometimes Yajapura is also called Nabhi-gaya or Viraja-ksetra.

Yajapur – Jajapur is thus considered a Vishnu tirtha as well as Devi tirtha together.