Brahmana Pushkara

Brahmana Pushkara


“The Lord went to Pushkara-tirtha which is worshiped by many brahmanas and flooded Brahmavarta Kurukshetra with kirtana.” (Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, Pramana-khanda 4.41)

Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura describes this holy place in Navadvipa-bhavataranga: “South of Naimisharanya lies Brahmana Pushkara. This area is the same as the holy place named Sri Pushkaratirtha, and it was visited by the best of the brahmanas named Divadasa. Worshiping the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga at that place, vipra Divadasa was consoled upon beholding a vision of the Lord’s beautiful golden form.”