Category Archives: Ekachakra

Banke Raya Temple

Banke Ray Temple-Ekachakra

Banke Ray Temple-Ekachakra

The priests of the temple describe that Lord Nityananda entered within the body of Banke Raya and departed for His unmanifest pastimes. The deity of Jahnava-mata was therefore later placed on the right side of Banke Raya.

This temple was built under the direction of Virabhadra Gosai, the son of Lord Nityananda. On the altar of this temple is Lord Krishna as Banke Raya, who was originally established by Lord Nityananda. On His left is Srimati Radharani, and on His right is Jahnava Devi. It is said that Lord Nityananda left this planet by entering into this Deity. After Lord Nityananda’s disappearance, the Deity of Jahnava was placed to the right of Banke Raya. On another throne, to the right of Banke Raya, is a Deity of Yogamaya.In this temple there is also an altar with a Deity of Murali-dhara. It is said that this Deity was given to Padmavati Devi by the sannyasi Nitai went on pilgrimage with when He was 12. On the same altar are Deities of Sri Sri Radha-Madhava.

To the right of the altar, outside the gate, is another little temple dedicated to ‘Madana Mohana Krishna’. On His left is His consort, Srimati Radharani, and on His right is the gopi Candravali. On the right-side is Sri Sri Radha-Vrindavana Candra. These Deities are supposed to have been worshiped for 13 generations and are over 450 years old.

To the right of the altar, outside the gate, is another little temple dedicated to ‘Madana Mohana Krishna’. On His left is His consort, Srimati Radharani, and on His right is the gopi Candravali.  On the right-side is Sri Sri Radha-Vrindavana Candra. These Deities are supposed to have been worshiped for 13 generations and are over 450 years old.

After Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to Jagannatha Puri, He ordered Lord Nityananda to return to Bengal and preach. At this time Nityananda returned to Ekachakra after being gone for almost 30 years. By this time, His parent had already left this world. He then found the Deity of Banke Raya in the Yamuna at Kadamba Khandi. He installed this Deity in a temple. Later, a Deity of Srimati Radharani was discovered in Bhaddhapur, in the locality of Viracandrapura, underneath the roots of a neem tree, about ½ mile west. This Deity was installed to the right of Banke Raya. For this reason, the Radharani of Banke Raya was known as Bhaddapurera Thakurani, the mistress of Bhaddhapura.

Banke Raya and Nityananda
When Nityananda Prabhu discovered the Deity form of Krishna called Banke Raya in the clay at Kadamba Khandi, He was actually on His way to Vrindavan to perform parikrama of Vraja. He thought to Himself that He was going to Vrindavan but now Vrindavan had come to Him. He began to smile. In His mind He decided that He would still go to Vraja and upon returning, He would install the Deity with pomp in a grand ceremony. He then wrapped the Deity of Banke Raya in silk cloth and hid Him in a hole in a neem tree, thinking to pick Him up on His way back. Somehow or other, however, when Nityananda Prabhu returned, He came by a different route. So He was unable to pick up Banke Raya from within the neem tree.The very first night of His return to Ekachakra, Banke Raya appeared within Nityananda Prabhu's dream and told Him that He was hungry and that He was tired of hiding in the hole of the neem tree. He reminded Nityananda of His promise to come and take Him upon returning from Vrindavan. In this dream Nitai told Banke Raya that He had  meant to come and retrieve Him, but He had returned by another route which made it impossible. But Banke Raya informed Him that He still wanted the rich foodstuffs and opulent installation ceremony as promised. Nityananda Prabhu, however, told Banke Raya that He was tired and could not come just then. He then asked Banke Raya to decide what He wished and Nitai said that He would comply.

 Banke Raya then told Nityananda Prabhu, "All right, if You are unable to come to Me, then I shall come to You. In the morning I will be floating down the Yamuna within the very same neem tree You hid me in. At that time, please go down to Kadamba Khandi, where You found Me the first time, and take Me out from the tree hole and install Me properly with great pomp and ceremony."

The next morning, Nityananda Prabhu, after taking His bath, saw the same neem tree floating down the river. Taking the Deity out, He brought Him to His place of residence and He Himself worshiped Banke Raya with full opulence daily with His own hands. The Deity had solid gold paraphernalia: throne, umbrella, flute, crowns, padukas, footstool, bull horn, plates, cups, jewelry, crowns, and arati articles. Until the end of His manifest pastimes, Nityananda Prabhu worshiped Banke Raya. Soon after Mahaprabhu finished His manifest lilas and disappeared into the Deity of Tota Gopinath, Nityananda Prabhu finished His manifest pastimes and disappeared into the Deity of Banke Raya. Shri Banke Raya ki Jaya!

Vishram Tala

Vishram Tala-Ekachakra

Vishram Tala-Ekachakra

During the time of Nityananda Prabhu, there was a very old, large banyan tree. The place under this banyan tree was called Vishram Tala in Nitai's lila. After Hadai Pandit turned over his son Nityananda Prabhu to the mysterious sannyasi, he entered his house to woefully explain the situation to his wife, Padmavati devi. At that time, Nityananda Prabhu told the sannyasi that He had checked His mother's reaction before He could leave. He therefore suggested that they take a few minutes rest under the banyan tree before departing, for unless His mother could bear the separation caused by His depar­ture, it would not be possible for Him to leave.The sannyasi agreed and they both took rest under the banyan tree. As soon as Padmavati devi heard from Hadai Pandit that their beloved Nitai was actually departing, she ran out of the house, shriek­ing and screaming, completely hysterically, "My Nitai! My Nitai! Please, O sannyasi, please be merciful! Do not take my Nitai from me! Do not take my Nitai from me!" Nityananda Prabhu looked to the sannyasi to do something to alleviate the situation. The sannyasi then revealed an extraordinary Deity made of black marble which he took from his travelling bag and presented it to Shrimati Padmavati devi. Upon seeing this wonderful Deity, she immediately calmed down and stopped her crying. The sannyasi told her that the Deity's name was Muralidhara and that she would receive everything by worshiping this Deity. Padmavati devi tearfully told the sannyasi that the Deity could never replace her Nitai. The sannyasi replied that the murti Murali­dhara would give her everything, and that if she looked into the face of this Deity, she would see her Nitai.
Shrimati Padmavati devi then looked into the face of Muralidhara. To her great joy, she saw the face of her beloved son, Nitai. Seeing this, she became completely satisfied and embraced her son for the last time. Blessing Him, she allowed Him to go on pilgrimage with the sannyasi. The Deity Muralidhara was established by Shrimati Padma­vati devi and this is factually the original Deity of Ekachakra.

Padmavati Kunda

Padmavati Kunda-Ekachakra

Padmavati Kunda-Ekachakra

It is named after Lord Nityananda’s mother, Srimati Padmavati. Hadai Pandita received this as gift from his father-in-law, Mukutanarayan Roy. Padmavati would come here and bathe little Nitai every day. This kunda is behind Lord Nityananda’s birthplace.