Category Archives: Ekachakra

Mala Tala

Mala Tala - Ekachakra

Mala Tala – Ekachakra

In the courtyard of Lord Nityananda’s house is an old pippala tree called Mala-Tala. Just before Nitai departed with the unknown sannyasi, Hadai Pandita came here and chanted japa under this tree. Mala means “japa beads” and tala means “tree”. When Nitai was about to depart Hadai Pandita left his japa beads here due to anxiety.

Lord Caitanya came to Ekachakra many years after Lord Nityananda left. It is said that at that time Lord Caitanya left His flower garland on a branch of this tree. Mala also means “garland”. Therefore also for this reason this tree was called Mala-Tala.

Nitai Kunda

Nitai Kunda - Ekachakra

Nitai Kunda – Ekachakra

This is the pond besides Lord Nityananda’s house dhotis, plates, utensils etc of Nitai were washed. Embedded in its core and not visible to material eyes is another kunda named Ananga Kunda. The pujaris of the temple use water from this kunda for their Deity worship.

Garbhavasa or Sootika Mandir

Garbhavasa or Sootika Mandir

This White Temple Is The Exact Spot Where Lord Nityananda Appeared

In Janmasthan Mandir there is a Deity of Nitai (Nityananda). Hadai Pandita Bhavan is the site of the original house of Nityananda’s father. There are two banyan trees by this temple that are said to have existed since the time of Nityananda.

Main Temple Altar - Lord Sri Nityananda Prabhu (centre), Lord Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu (right), Sri Advaita Acarya Prabhu (left)

Main Temple Altar – Lord Sri Nityananda Prabhu (centre), Lord Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu (right), Sri Advaita Acarya Prabhu (left)

In the centre of the main altar of the temple is a deity of Lord Nityananda.

To His left, with His hands raised, is Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

On Nityananda’s right is Sri Advaita Acarya.

The side of altar has Deities of Sri Sri Radha-Radhakanta and Sri Sri Radha-Srikanta, a large dancing Gauranga in the centre, and ten brass sakhis at the bottom.

The temple was constructed by Prasannakumara Karapharma. 

Lord Nityananda at Garbhavasa or Sootika Mandir

Lord Nityananda at Garbhavasa or Sootika Mandir

Hadai Pandita’s House

Hadai Pandita’s House

The Birth place Of Lord Nityananda

Ekachakra is located 165km north-west of Mayapur and is easily accessible by car or bus. Ekachakra village extends north and south for an area of about eight miles. Other villages, namely Viracandra-pura and Virabhadra-pura, are situated within the area of the village of Ekachakra. There is a big festival here on Nityananda Trayodasi (Appearance day of Lord Nityananda) and also on Gosthastami.

The Birth place Of Lord Nityananda

“Lord Nityananda”: Lord Sri Krishna, as the Vedic literature ultimately explains, is the absolute Personality of Godhead, and His first expansion in a form for pastimes is Sri Balarama. In the age of Kali-yuga, Lord Krishna appears in this material world as Lord Caitanya, and Balarama appears as Lord Nityananda. Lord Nityananda (also known as Nityananda Prabhu, Nitai, Nityananda Balarama) appeared as Lord Caitanya’s principal associate for spreading the chanting of the holy names of Lord Krishna: HARE KRISHNA HARE KRISHNA KRISHNA KRISHNA HARE HARE | HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE || or the congregational chanting of the Lord’s holy names, and to bring the mercy of Lord Krishna to all the fallen, materially conditioned souls.

Lord Nityananda was born to a pious brahmana family. His father was Hadai Pandita and mother Padmavati. He appeared in Ekachakra around 20 years before the appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, on Shukla Trayodashi, in the month of Magha, in the year 1473, 12th of February. Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu cannot be approached or understood without the mercy of Lord Nityananda. He is the cardinal guru of all the universes and serves as an intermediary between Mahaprabhu and His devotees. A great Vaishnava acarya Sri Vrindavan Das Thakura, the dear-most & the last initiated disciple of Lord Nityananda, glorifies him in Sri Caitanya Bhagavata as follows:  Lord Nityananda is very effulgent like the brilliant sun. He is statuesque, like His Master, with the whitish complexion of Lord Balarama. His garments resemble a cluster of blue lotus flowers and His effulgence is said to surpass the grandeur of a rising moon at sunset.

He has a deep melodious voice, constantly chanting the holy name and singing the glories of Lord Sri Krishna day and night.

He is unequalled in the three worlds, non-different from Lord Caitanya. Absorbed within Himself, He often roared loudly like a lion, for He is the direct manifestation of Lord Balarama. His beautiful, glowing face easily defeats a thousand shining full moons. A captivating smile plays sweetly on His exquisite lips. So white and radiant are His teeth that if a pearl were held next to them the pearl would look like a faded and discarded piece of glass.

His long, languid eyes steal the pinkish tinge of the early rising sun. His arms are long and reach down to His knees, and He possesses a robust chest and broad shoulders. His lotus feet are soft. His gait is graceful. He speak to everyone with kind words which sever the bonds of material attachment within everyone's heart.

He carries a red stick with benedictions for the devotees, but feared by the demoniac. He has the carefree mood of a wild avadhuta, so absorbed is He in the love of Godhead; no one knows what He will do next.