Early one morning, Lord Nityananda and Sri Jiva started their dhama parikrama. Lord Nityananda said, “Oh, Jiva! Just behold this beautiful village. Now people call this place Brahmanapura but according to scripture, this place is known as Brahmana Pushkara. The secret glories of this place are very confidential. During Satya-yuga there was a brahmana called Divadasa. He left his house and started traveling to take darsana of all the holy places but he was particularly interested in seeing Pushkara-tirtha in western India.

The Well known Pushkara tirtha in Rajasthan
Before reaching Pushkara-tirtha, his travels took him to Navadvipa-dhama. While he was in Navadvipa, he had a dream in which someone instructed him to stay in Navadvipa. He was told that by staying in Navadvipa he would gain great eternal wealth. According to that instruction Divadasa built a kutira at this place and lived here until his old age. He became so old that he was not able to walk around anymore. During this time he again developed a great desire to go and have darsana of Pushkara-tirtha, but was now unable to walk. He felt very sad and started to cry saying, ‘I will not get the chance to have darsana of Pushkara-tirtha in this life.’ By seeing his situation tirtha-raja (the king of the holy places) Pushkara became merciful upon him and appeared in the form of a brahmana to give darsana to Divadasa. Pushkara tirtha in his brahmana form told Divadasa, ‘Oh brahmana, please do not cry. Just see this beautiful pond in front of you. By taking bath once in this pond you will have darsana of Pushkaratirtha.’ Following the instruction of the brahmana, Divadasa went to take bath in that pond. As soon as he took bath he received transcendental vision and saw Pushkara-tirtha in front of him. Divadasa started weeping and told Pushkara-tirtha, ‘You have taken so much trouble to come here and give me darsana.’ Pushkara-tirtha replied, ‘Oh most fortunate brahmana! Please listen. I have not come from very far to give you darsana. Rather I have been residing here eternally in this Navadvipa-dhama. This Navadvipa is filled with the holy tirthas. All the tirthas are residing here and serving the dhama.
By my expansion I have manifested another form in western India. Whatever result one achieves by taking bath a hundred times in that tirtha, he will also attain from taking bath here once. Therefore anyone who develops a desire to go to other tirthas, leaving Navadvipa-dhama, must be a great fool and a rogue. By traveling to all the tirthas, one receives the blessing of residence in Navadvipa-dhama. Just see this high land which is non-different from Kurukshetra Brahmavarta. Two rivers and Drishadvati flow on either side of this place and increase its beauty by spreading piety.’ Pushkara-tirtha continued, ‘Dear vipra! I would like to tell you something very confidential. Soon great happiness will manifest here. In Mayapur in the house of Saci-devi, Lord Gaurasundara will appear and distribute love of Godhead to everyone abundantly. At this place the Lord will dance along with many devotees performing great sankirtana. He will perform kirtana gathering the devotees of all His previous incarnations. He will make the whole universe float in the flood of prema. Except for the fallacious logicians, everyone will receive this supreme love of God. Oh Divadasa! Whoever resides in this dhama with great sincerity will achieve the lotus feet of Gaurahari. If mischievous persons engage in sri-krishna-bhajana for millions of years they will still not develop a taste for the holy name. But the mischievous mentality of someone who worships Gauranga will soon be removed and he will quickly attain Radha and Krishna in Vraja-dhama. He will achieve his siddha-deha under the shelter of the sakhis and he will be engaged in yugala-seva inside the kunja. Oh vipra! Stay here and perform Gauranga-bhajana. You will attain the darsana of Sri Gauranga along with all His associates’. Saying this tirtha-raja Pushkara left. The brahmana heard a mystical voice saying, ‘Oh vipra, you will appear during the manifested pastime of Lord Gauranga and swim in the ocean of Gaura-kirtana-prema.’” Lord Nityananda continued, “Upon hearing this voice, Divadasa felt pacified and started his bhajana on the bank of this kunda.”
Directions: Return to the main road by the Hamsa-vahana temple. Turn left and continue for less than one kilometer. On the left you will see a large lake surrounded by a beautiful forest. Walk down the path to the lakeside. This is the place.