Category Archives: Madhyadvipa

Why is this island named Madhyadvipa?

The following is an excerpt from the Bhakti-ratnakara: IsanaThakura told Srinivasa, “This island is now known as the Majida village. Previously it was called Madhyadvipa. Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu performed many wonderful pastimes on this island. Now I will tell you why this island was previously known as Madhyadvipa. 


In Satya-yuga, the seven great sages (saptarshis) – namely Marici,Atri, Angira, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastha and Vasishtha – approached Grandsire Brahma and talked with him about Sri Gaurahari, who would appear in the coming Kali-yuga. They discussed His method of bhajana, and how He would distribute to everyone, even the dog-eaters, the prema that even the demigods rarely attain. When they requested Brahma to tell them something about the nature of this prema, Brahma became pleased and instructed the sages to go to Sri Navadvipa-dhama. There they  should chant Sri Gaurahari’s names and remember His pastimes. He said that by this process, the dhama itself would awaken gaura-prema in their hearts. Those who have love and affection for Navadvipa-dhama, where offences are not considered, easily attain residence in Vraja. When they heard the glory of Sri Navadvipa these sages built their bhajana-kutis at this place in Madhyadvipa.  

Praying for Gaurasundara’s mercy, they remained here, loudly chanting and glorifying Sri Gaurasundara’s name, form, qualities and pastimes. They relinquished eating, drinking, sleeping and other types of sense enjoyment. They meditated upon His unlimited qualities while exploring Navadvipadhama. Some rishis were saying, ‘Just behold Navadvipa-dhama! It is so beautiful due to being blessed by the pastimes of the Lord. All the holy places of the world are residing here in Nadia.’ Some rishis said, ‘The glories of Navadvipa-dhama are unlimited. The Lord performs so many wonderful pastimes here during His manifested and unmanifested periods. During His prakataor manifested period everyone can take darsana of the Lord. During His aprakata or unmanifested period only the most fortunate souls can get darsanaof His pastimes.’ Others said, ‘The Lord will appear in the house of JagannathaMisra to bless this Kali-yuga. In this incarnation He will accept a gauraor golden-colored body which has no comparison. The whole world will be mad with desire to see His beautiful form.’ Some said, ‘This pastime of Krishna in Nadia is so wonderful that even the great demigods like Brahma do not know about it. Saci-nandana is free to do whatever He wants. It is not possible to predict His actions. In Kali-yuga He will distribute the most sought-after jewel of krishnaprema to all living entities with great care.’ Someone said, Sri Gauranga  Mahaprabhu  is an ocean of mercy. The mercy He will give to living entities has never been distributed in this way before. He will take the devotees of all the incarnations along with Him, He will be madly absorbed in sankirtanayajna and infect the whole world with His divine madness. Lord Gaurahari is the life of His devotees. He will take sannyasa and travel widely and in so doing He will fulfil the desires of the unlimited tirthasor holy places. Finally, for the pleasure of Lord Jagannatha, He will stay in Sri KshetraPuri-dhama.’ In this way the rishis would discuss amongst themselves with great pleasure, constantly in meditation upon the lotus feet of the Lord. The rishis displayed such great love and devotion that Bhakta-vatsala Bhagavan Gaurahari could not control Himself anymore and appeared in front of the Saptarishis during midday, as brilliant as the midday sun. Who can describe that beauty? The Sapta-rishis looked upon this most attractive form of the Lord without blinking, their bodies shook in ecstasy and tears came to their eyes. They were all offering prostrated obeisances to the Lord, falling on the ground again and again. They offered many prayers and circumambulated the Lord, saying, ‘Oh Lord! All of us have a great desire to see Your pastimes in Nadia to the full satisfaction of our eyes. Please bless us so that we will meditate upon Navadvipa constantly and always chant the glories of Your devotees.’ 

They also lamented not having thousands of eyes with which to see this transcendental form of the Lord.Being pleased with the prayers of the Sapta-rishis the Lord said, ‘All your desires will be fulfilled. My Navadvipa pastimes are very confidential. If you keep this information concealed, I will be very happy.’ Hearing this from the Lord, the rishissaid, ‘Prabhu! What can we say? Is it possible to hide the sun under the palm?’ In this way the rishis continued their glorification of the Lord.

Sri Panchatatva

 Lord Gauracandra was smiling within, hearing the sweet words of the rishis. After blessing all seven rishiswith great bliss Lord Gaurahari disappeared. The rishisbecame distressed in separation and all of them left that place. They found a suitable spot near Kumara-hatta on the bank of the River Ganga and settled there. This place became very famous and is still known as Sapta-rishi-ghata. Because the Lord appeared during midday (madhyahna), just like the midday sun, this place is called Madhyadvipa. After the Sapta-rishis left this place, other rishiscontinued their tapasyahere and they all spread the glories of Madhyadvipa. Just by taking darsanaof this place all inauspiciousness is destroyed. By living here one will achieve pure devotion. This is a most wonderful pastime place of Lord Gauranga who made everyone mad by giving them the rarest love of Godhead.” While narrating such descriptions, IsanaThakura slowly moved towards VamanaPaukhera in great happiness. The following is a passage from SriNavadvipa-dhama-mahatmya, Parikrama-khanda: NityanandaPrabhu along with Sri Jiva and SrivasaThakura arrived in Madhyadvipa early one morning. NityanandaPrabhu said, “This is the Majida village. At this place the seven rishiswere resting and worshiping GaurangaMahaprabhu. In Satyayuga the Sapta-rishis went to meet their father, Lord Brahma. They saw that Brahma was glorifying the holy name of Gauranga and they asked how they could attain the eternal wealth of gaura-prema. Lord Brahma was very pleased to be asked this question from his sons and he told them, ‘All of you go to Navadvipa and chant the glories of Lord Gauranga. Thus you will develop this love very easily. By the mercy of the dhamaone gets sadhu-sanga. When one performs one’s bhajana in the association of a sadhuthen one develops krishna-prema. One who develops attachment to Navadvipadhama gets the chance to live in Vrajadhama. The sadhu’s only desire is to reside in the transcendental abode and chant the holy name of Gaurahari.’ The Sapta-rishis, after receiving these instructions from their father, came to this place. They started to dance, loudly chanting the holy name and glories of Lord Hari and begging for gauraprema. They said, ‘Oh Gaurahari! Kindly give us Your darsanaonce. We have not been following true dharma and thus we are great offenders. Finally we have understood that bhakti alone is the essence of everything.’ Thus the Sapta-rishis went through the austerity of engaging themselves in the worship of Gaurahari with steady devotion. They stopped their eating and sleeping and constantly chanted the holy name of Gaura. After some time, at midday, the most merciful Lord Gauranga gave His darsanato the rishis. Lord Gauranga appeared along with the Panca-tattva as effulgent as hundreds of suns and attracting the minds of all yogis. He appeared very beautiful in His golden form, wearing a garland of mallikaflowers. The ornaments on His body increased His beauty as did the drop of sandalwood pulp on His forehead. His cloth was folded thrice and He wore a beautiful brahminical thread. When the Sapta-rishis saw that most beautiful form of Gauranga, they became overwhelmed and approached the Lord. They said, ‘We take shelter at Your lotus feet, kindly give us devotion unto You.’ Lord Gaurahari being very merciful upon them and hearing their prayers said, ‘Dear rishis! Please listen. Give up the desire for jnanaand karma. These are simply bondage. It is better to discuss the Supreme Lord Krishna. Very soon in the city of Nadia during My manifested pastimes, all of you will witness the nama-sankirtana-lila. 

You must follow My instruction and keep this subject matter hidden for now. Do not mention this to anyone.All of you go to Kumara-hatta and perform krishna-bhajanathere.’ Saying this GaurangaMahaprabhu disappeared and the Sapta-rishis went to Kumarahatta. The seven tilas(hillocks) where the rishis were sitting are still visible and they match the formation of the Saptarishi constellation in the night sky. By residing here one will attain Gaurahari even without practicing the yamasand niyamas (rules and regulations).”