Category Archives: Rameshwaram

Lord Caitanya in Rameshwaram

Darbhasayana or Thirupullani: Lord Caitanya visited the ‘darbhasayana’. It is the place of Saranagati. Vibhisana surrendered to Lord Ramchandra at this place. It was here that Vibhisana gave Rama the idea that He should approach the ocean god Samudradeva and ask him the means to cross the ocean. Lord Rama sat on ‘darbha’ or kusha grass and meditated for three days but Samudradeva did not come. This enraged Him and He angrily glanced on the ocean. By the mere glance of the Lord, the ocean became agitated. Samudradeva came out with folded hands and surrendered to Lord Rama. Even the Lord of the ocean surrendered to Lord Rama at this place. Dhanushtirtha or Dhanushkodi: Then Lord Caitanya came to Dhanushtirtha which is a very holy place. It is 12km walk from the Rameshwaram temple. After Ravana was killed and Vibhisana was coronated as the king, he approached Lord Rama and requested Him that this beautiful bridge which we have built gives easy access to Lanka and makes it easier for the kings to attack Lanka. So please break the bridge. So Lord Rama cut the bridge into three pieces and that time the two oceans, which were separated by the bridge, merged together. Sri Ramacandra called for all the holy waters and tirthas of the entire universe to enter into Dhanushtirtha.

The place was so beautiful that Lord Rama and Sita devi bathed here. Vibhisana comes regularly to take his bath here. Srila Prabhupada says that anyone who bathes at this place will get liberation. Anyone who just says the word ‘Dhanushtirtha,’ while medicating on this place, will get liberation. After bathing at Dhanushtirtha, Lord Caitanya bathed in 22 other tirthas, which are in the temple of Ramanatha, each offering a special benediction. There is one more tirtha called the Agnitirtha. After Agnideva returned Sita to Lord Rama, he asked Lord Rama for a place where he could get purified because he had taken Sita away. So Lord Rama asked him to take his bath in the ocean and that place came to be known as Agnitirtha. It is said that anyone who bathes in this place will develop the quality of chastity.

Kurma Purana
Lord Caitanya then went to the temple of Rameshwaram. While He was in the temple, He was hearing Hari katha with pure hearted Brahmins. During the talk He heard them discussing a section of Kurma Purana describing the story of the chaste lady. In that section the pastime of Ravana kidnapping Sita is described.

Ravana was so egoistic that he felt anything good has to be mine. This is the nature of ego. When it is inflated it cannot tolerate somebody having something that we want. It’s a condition that people spend their whole life trying to achieve, but are so foolish that they do not know that there can be no satisfaction of the heart in that state.

Hiranyakasipu was so powerful, all the demigods and sages were afraid of him and would offer their respects to him. But even though he had so much power, mysticism, wealth he was never happy because he could not control his minds and senses. Hiranyakasipu was anxious as he thought if he cannot control Prahlada then he is his enemy. That is demoniac quality and that nature, is to some extent, present in all conditioned souls. We want things to go our way, we want people to be what we want people to be.

Real love is I accept you for who you are and you accept me for who I am and we appreciate and somehow or other we get through this life with higher principles in the middle, principles that can actually bring real love. When husband or wife or friends or god brothers or god sisters when they accept each other for who they are and instead of you being what I want you to be and I being what you want me to be, we both try to encourage each other to be what Krishna wants us to be. For a higher principle accept the differences and appreciate.

Hiranyakasipu thought if I cannot destroy my son then he will destroy me. He could not control his son and that is a great cause of anxiety in this world. We want people, we want circumstances to come out our way. We want things to be what we want them to be. But there is a problem we are not the controllers, so it’s not going to be that way. And if we expect it, to be our way, we suffer when it is not and if we don’t expect it to be how we want it to be, then we are happy.

Lord Brahma is a great personality but he also realized that when he tries to be a controller he is miserable. So when difficulties come upon us then instead of blaming the circumstances or situations if we are just grateful and thank God for that situation then we can achieve supreme liberation.

So Ravana upon hearing of Sita’s beauty became very lusty. He disguised himself and came before Sita. Sita took shelter of lire and Agnidev put her in custody of Parvati. From fire Maya Sin appeared and Ravana stole her.

According to the Sthala Purana of Tirupati once when Ravana was flying in his airplane he came over a region in Himalayas where he saw a beautiful young lady performing penances. She was extremely beautiful and had matted hairs, her name was Vedavati. Ravana approached her with the intention to enjoy her but Vedavati replied that she has taken a vow that she will only accept Lord Visnu as her husband. Once a pure sage was reciting the Vedas and a girl was born and she came to be known by the name Vedavati.

Upon hearing Vishnu’s name Ravana was enraged, he began to blaspheme Lord Visnu. He attacked her and caught her by the hairs but Vedavati, with her mystic powers, cut off her hairs with her hand. She then proclaimed that since you have touched my body I cannot bear living in this body anymore. I will take my next birth from the earth and in my next birth I will be the cause of the destruction of your dynasty. Then by her yogic powers she burst herself into ashes.

Ravana stole Vedavati in the form of Maya Sita and she had to undergo 10 months of harassment. So Sita devi requested the Lord to accept her as His wife but Rama replied that in His next incarnation He will marry her. In a later incarnation as Venkatesh, Lord married Vedavati who appeared as Padmavati at that time.

Lord Caitanya got this scripture copied and personally came to Madurai and gave it to Ramdas Vipra. When he saw this Kurma Purana he became ecstatic and offered a nice feast to Lord Caitanya.

Rameshwaram During his South India Tour

While on His south India tour, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu stopped in Madurai, there He visited the Sunder, Ishwari and the Meenakshi temples. One day one Brahmin invited Caitanya Mahaprabhu to his home. The Lord accepted his invitation but when He reached his home for lunch, he found that nothing was prepared. So the Lord asked him, “why is there no Prasad.’ With great emotion the Brahmin replied that he was a simple forest dweller and therefore he could not prepare anything on time. He said chat Laxmana has gone to the forest to bring the ingredients so that Sita can cook and he would simply assist her. But today Laxmana has not yet returned. Lord Caitanya was very pleased with his absorption; he was completely absorbed in Ramayana. In fact he was living Ramayana.

Lord is within the heart, if you are just pretending, if something is just sentimental, it’s not pleasing to the Lord. But Ramdas Vipra was for real and he was totally absorbed in the mood of pure unalloyed devotion. One should not try to imitate that or pretend to be like that, without the purity of heart and without realization.

The Lord knows every living being’s past, present and future. Nothing artificial in our devotion will give real pleasure to the Paramatma. We have to be honest and sincere. Therefore devotees don’t try to make themselves great. If you are great then you are grateful. The more honest and sincere we are, we grow in our devotion.

vedahath samatitani vartamdnani carjuna
bhavisydni ca bhutaini math tu veda na kaisana

(Bhagavad-Gita chapter 7 verse 26)

Lord Caitanya was very happy with the genuine devotion of the Brahmin. Every day his meditation was to wait for Laxmana to bring the vegetables from the forest so that he can assist Sita in the cooking. Ramdas Vipra arranged everything by 3pm and Lord Caitanya happily accepted the offerings because it was offered with devotion. Lord Caitanya saw that the Brahmin was very sad and was fasting. So Lord asked him why he was lasting. The Brahmin replied, “How can I live when Sita Devi has been touched by Ravana.”

Lord Caitanya told that Brahmin that do not be unhappy. Sita is the supreme goddess of fortune and among the all the chaste women, she is the topmost. She is the eternal consort of Ramacandra. Her body is purely spiritual and therefore it cannot be seen or touched by anything material. Ravana was a materialistic person full of egoism, lust, envy and anger. He cannot see the spiritual body of Sita nor could he possibly touch her. It was a maya Sita, an illusory Sita that was taken by Ravana to Ashoka vana. That which is pure spiritual substance cannot be perceived by gross material senses.

We can only see the Supreme lord or His consort when our eyes are anointed with the salve of love. When we engage in the service of Hrishikesh, the Lord of the senses, our senses become purified, they become spiritualized and then we can see things as they are.

Lord Caitanya requested him to take his lunch and be happy. Ramdas Vipra had faith in the Lord’s words, because he was speaking with such deep and intimate compassion. The Lord stayed overnight and then continued his journey and eventually He came to Rameshwaram.

Interesting places close to Rameshwaram island

1) Thiruppullanni – Sri Kalyana Jagannatha Perumal Temple

Sri Kalyana Jagannatha Perumal Temple

Sri Kalyana Jagannatha Perumal Temple 2

•This is one of the 108 divya-deçams of the Çri Vaiñëavas.

•This is a historic place and temple in relation to the ancient epic Rämäyana of Lord Räma.

•This is the place where:

a) Vibhisana surrendered to Lord Räma.
b) Samudra Räja (the Ocean God) surrendered to Lord Räma.
c) Lord Rama, along with the monkeys, built the Sethu karai (Sethu Bridge) to go to Laìkä from here.

• The presiding God is Ädi Jagannätha, Goddess is Padmäsini Thäyär. Two of the other sannidhis (altars) are dedicated to deities of Lord Räma, Pattäbhi Rämar and Darba Shayana Rämar.

Goddess is Padmäsini Thäyär

Thirupulläni Jagannätha temple is among the 108 divya-desams of Sri Vaishnavas. Shri Kalyäna Jagannäthar is the presiding Deity with His consorts Kalyänavalli Thäyär and Padmäsini Thäyär.

Since Vibhisana fell at Sri Rama’s feet for complete Sharanagati (surrender) at this place, it is also known as Sharanagati Kshetram. Also Ocean god and his wife sought Sharanägati at the same place

. Sri Räma did fasting and penance on grass in Shayana

Sri Räma did fasting and penance on grass in Shayana (sleep) pose for seven days, thus the place got its name as Thirupulläni meaning the place where the Lord’s bed was grass. Normally, the Lord appears in Shayana sleep pose only on the serpent bed. However, in this kshetram he is lying -“anai”: on “pull”: grass in Tamil language. And Thiru means Lord. Thus the word Thiru- pull- anai : Thirupulläni.

As per Sri Vaishnavas, King Dasharatha performed putra-kämesthi-yajna here in front of Lord Ädi Jagannätha and thus obtained four sons. These Deities were worshipped by Lord Räma when he came here. It is also said that the Deities gave Lord Räma a Säranga bow by which he could defeat Rävana.

The three altars in the temple are of–

1) Ädi Jagannätha, close by is Thäyär (consort) in the next altar.

2) Darbhäshayana Räma—Lord Räma sleeping on darbha grass.

3) Pattäbhirämam— Lord Räma giving darshana alongwith Sitä Devi and Lakshmana.

Temple timing and Contact Details

The temple is open from 8 am to 12.20 pm in the mornings and from 3.30pm to 8pm in the evenings.

Requesting Samudra dev : On Vibhisana’s advice that He should ask Samudradev’s help in order to cross the ocean to Lanka, Lord Ramacandra came to the shore of the ocean at this very place in Thirupullani and began to meditate upon the god of the sea, Samudra dev. He laid on ‘kusha’ grass in meditation. Lord Ramacandra is the Supreme Absolute truth and He is teaching the most exemplary behavior which is to honor people who have high responsibility.

Lord Caitanya said that the following of Vaishnava etiquette is the ornament that makes the devotee beautiful in the eyes of Lord Sri Krishna. Unless the Lord reveals it we would never understand what Vaishnava etiquette is. Lord Caitanya, while embarking on His South India tour, took blessing and permission of all the Vaishnavas. In every moment of Sri Caitanya Caritamrta and Sri Caitanya Bhagavat there is this beautiful jewel of Vaishnava etiquette which is based on humility, respect and an eagerness to serve and receive blessings and give blessings.

Lord Ramacandra laid on the ‘kusha’ grass meditating and praying in His heart for Samudra dev, the king of the sea to come before Him to resolve this very serious dilemma. A huge army had assembled on the shore of the ocean but except Hanuman no one could cross the ocean. Rama prayed while fasting for three days and nights. But Samudra dev didn’t come. He was not following any etiquette. The core reason why someone makes aparadha is due to arrogance or the false ego.

Lord Rama expressed His emotions as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He turned to Laxmana and said, “This king of ocean is so arrogant. I have been sitting here fasting for three days and three nights and he doesn’t say anything. This is because people who are too much intoxicated by material power and influence don’t take seriously the humble appeals of others. With all humility, politeness and gentleness I have been coming to him. But such a wretched state of consciousness he is in that he is thinking humility is a weakness. He is thinking brute force and harshness is real strength. Arrogant people respect arrogance. But I will devastate his arrogance, on this very day I will dry up the ocean into dry desert.

Lord Rama was enraged. He took His powerful bow and shot one hundred arrows. Within second the sea started to boil. The sea became so agitated and the waves were so huge that even the whales, alligators and sharks were flying in the air and falling back into the ocean.

Rama could not be pacified by Laxmana or the other great sages. Rama invoked the Brahmastra and in fear the sea receded ten miles. At that moment Samudra dev arose from the ocean. He wore beautiful garments and jewels. With all humility he prostrated at the lotus feet of Ramacandra and begged forgiveness. Lord forgave him and gave him shelter.

Rama asked him, “Please tell us how we can cross this ocean.” Samudra dev said that in the monkey army there is Nala, who is the son of Viswakarma, the architect and designer of the demigods. He knows the art of construction and You make him the in charge for building a bridge. Samudra dev assured that no aquatics will disturb the building of the bridge and the stones will float on the waters of the ocean.

Close to Thirupulläni at a distance of 4 kms is Sethu Karai or the shore. 2) Sethu Karai:-

Sethu Karai

Sethu Karai or Shore is close to Thirupullani at a distance of four km. This is the place from where Lord Ramacandra constructed sethu (bridge) to Lanka with the help of Hanuman, Nala and the monkey army to rescue Sita devi from the clutches of Ravana. At this place there is Temple with the Deity of Hanuman. It is amazing to see that the Deity of Hanuman is directly facing the ocean.

Sethu Karai or Shore

Theerthavari Utsavam at Sethu Karai : Every year Theerthavari Utsavam is held at this place in memory of Lord Rama’s onward march to Lanka that was planned from the Sethu Sea shore and in celebration of his subsequent victory over Ravana. Kalyana Jagannatha Perumal, the Utsava deity and Pattabhisheka Rama of Thirupullani divya desam make a joint once in a year 4 km trip to the Sethu Sea shore. Kalyana Jagannathan and Pattabhisheka Rama make an early start to the day with a 7am alankara to get them ready for the day long procession to the southern sea shore.

Theerthavari Utsavam at Sethu Karai

Theerthavari Utsavam at Sethu Karai

Seated on two separate palanquins and driven all the way on bullock carts Jagannatha Perumal and Pattabhisheka Rama go on an one hour procession to the Sethu Sea shore for the Theerthavari Utsavam. At the Hanuman temple on the banks of the Sethu sea shore, special Thirumanjana is performed for both Lord Jagannathan and Pattabhisheka Rama, while Hanuman is honored with a special Abhisheka as an acknowledgement of his efforts in locating Sita and giving Rama the good news. After providing joint darshan on the banks of the Sethu Sea shore for over 3 hours, Kalyana Jagannatha Perumal and Pattabhisheka Rama make their way back to Thirupullani Divya desam in the evening.

Building the sethu (bridge) : Nala was very excited. He called all the leaders of the army and told them what to do. The monkey soldiers began to collect materials for the bridge. They started bringing huge stones, mountain peaks, trunk of trees and started stacking them on the shore. Nala also asked them to collect tons and tons of vines and creepers which would be used to tie the stones together.

According to their particular strength they were bringing entire mountains and under Nala’s direction they began to throw them in the ocean. They had the task of building a bridge 80 miles wide and 800 miles long. On the first day of the construction of the bridge they covered 100 miles and the next day they completed 150 miles. Within 5 days they built a seamless and perfectly symmetrical bridge.

Lord Ramacandra wanted to show the world that if His devotees just put aside their ego for a common cause of serving the Supreme Lord and work together for that cause, there is unlimited divine power that He gives them.

Srila Prabhupada said, “The strength of our society (ISKCON) is our unity.” He quoted, united we stand, divided we fall. He gave the example of how it is easy to break one stick but when they are stacked together they cannot be broken. In the same way on our own, maya will break us but if we are united, united in the service of Lord Sri Krishna, in the service of Guru and Vaishanavas then maya has no power to break us.

One of Srila Prabhupada’s last instruction was, “You can show your love for me by how you cooperate.” It was not only for the purpose of pushing this great movement but it was also out of great compassion for each and every one of us, because we need each other. Yes, whatever differences those monkeys may have had, it did not matter. They had a mission to achieve and it was urgent and they worked together and the Lord empowered them to build the greatest bridge ever made.

Other Interesting Places on Rameshwaram Island

1) The Gandamadhana parvat (hill) provides a commanding view of the island. It also bears a shrine said to bear the footprints of Lord Rama. Lord Rama along with his monkey generals stood here for a view of the area and His plan-making.

Kothandarama Swamy Temple

2) Dhanushkodi Tirtham or Dhanushtirtha is located at the eastern end of the Rameshwaram island. It is named after Lord Ramacandra’s bow and is at a distance of 18 km from Rameshwaram temple. The boulders in the sea between Sri Lanka and Dhanushkodi are known as Adam’s bridge. Lord Rama used them to reach across Lanka. The sethu (bridge) that was built by the monkey soldiers was 80 miles wide and 800 miles long. On the first day of the construction of the bridge, they covered 100 miles and the next day they completed 150 miles. Within five days they built a seamless and perfectly symmetrical bridge. The entire bridge was 800 miles long and 80 miles wide.

After Ravana was killed, Lord Ramacandra along with His army returned to Rameshwaram. At that time Vibhisana approached Lord Ramacandra and requested Him that “this beautiful sethu (bridge) which we have built is so good, but it gives easy access to Lanka and in future some demoniac kings may attack Lanka or some rakshasa may come over and cause disruption here. So please break this bridge”. So upon the request of Vibhisana, Lord Ramacandra took His bow and with one end of the bow He cut the bridge into three parts and the bridge was destroyed. The two oceans (Bay of Bengal and Indian ocean) which were separated by the bridge, merged together. Dhanushkodi Tirtham or Dhanushtirtha

Sri Ramacandra called for all the holy waters and tirthas of the entire universe to enter into Dhanushkodi Tirtham. All the heavenly tirthas personified came there and filled up the sea where the bridge was broken. The place is so beautiful that Lord Ramacandra and Sita devi bathed here. Lord Rama said, “Anyone who comes here will be liberated from material bondage and We will shower Our mercy on them.” Sri Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya Lila Chapter 9 verse 199 mentions that Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came to Dhanushkodi Tirtham during His South India tour and took bathe here.

In 1964 this place was struck by a cyclone and was completely washed away. Now days, Dhanushkodi is a strip of land about 1 km wide and 18 km long on the eastern end of Rameshwaram island. On one side are the waters of the Indian Ocean and on the other the waters of the Bay of Bengal. The two seas otherwise known as Ratnakaran and Mahodadhi with their confluence is shaped like a bow while the strip of land resembles an arrow poised for release. It is a place where the rough water of Indian Ocean and the calm sea of Bay of Bengal confluence together. Before 1964, this was a flourishing place with r ailway station called Ramnad (last station on Southern Railway), hospital and port for many ferry services between Dhanushkodi and Talaimannar in Sri Lanka. Currently mute evidences remain in this place.

Danushkodi is about 18 miles West of Talaimannar in Jaffna, Ceylon. Before 1964 storm there was a train service up to Danushkodi called Boat Mail from Chennai Egmore station. The train linked a steamer to Ceylon. During the 1964 storm a huge wave of about 20 feet came crashing on the town from Palk Bay/Strait east of the town and destroyed the whole town, a train, the Pamban Rail Bridge etc. Danushkodi has the only land border between India and Ceylon which is one of the smallest in the world just 50 yards in length on a sand dune in Palk Strait. Buses from the local bus stand on East Car Street stop about 4km before the beach.

Way to Dhanushkodi Tirtham

Ruins at Dhanushkodi from 1964 cyclone

Ruins at Dhanushkodi from 1964 cyclone 2

Picture of Deities at Dhanushkodi Tirtham

Picture of Deities at Dhanushkodi Tirtham Ruins at Dhanushkodi from 1964 cyclone

3) Kothandarama Swamy Temple is located 12 km away from Rameshwaram. Here Lord Ramacandra arranged for the coronation of Vibhisana as King of Lanka after his surrender. The walls of Kothandarama Swamy Temple are adorned with marvelous paintings that depict the story of Ramayana.

Historyof Vibhisana’s surrender

When Ravana’s spies headed by Saardula reported to him that there are countless monkeys assembled on the shore across the ocean, Ravana decided to have special war council. He called all his generals and commanders and explained the situation to them. Ravana said, “A first class leader does not make a decision without consulting, with open mind, wise experienced ministers, friends who have been faithful throughout life and family members who have proven their love and after taking that council and seriously considering every word of it depending upon the higher power of God or providence for right direction. A second class leader with his own intelligence searches his own heart what’s best to do and then after considering everything takes full responsibility. A third class leader is one who hastily attacks or does something serious without due consideration of the pros and cons.”

The ministers were very enthusiastic. One by one they stood up, raised their weapons and began to glorify Ravana and their own prowess. They were hungry for war. Finally Vibhisana stood up and spoke the truth. He said, “In the battle the virtuous are empowered to have ultimate victory and the sinful are doomed to defeat. Ramacandra is supremely virtuous and rakshasas are sinful. We cannot stand before Him. These men are not your friends. All of these generals are simply telling you what you want to hear and not speaking the truth.” Vibhisana then told Ravana about Khar and Dushana, when they attacked Ramacandra. Lord Ramacandra single handedly destroyed their entire army of 14,000 soldiers in just 2 hours. He is not a mortal, Ramacandra is the Supreme Lord and His wrath can destroy the whole universe.

Vibhisana said, “Stealing Sita devi was sinful. Please return Sita devi to Ramacandra or we will perish. Ramacandra will forgive you. Just beg forgiveness and return Sita otherwise you and your entire dynasty will be destroyed and you will be the cause of it.” Next day morning Vibhisana again went to meet Ravana and again tried to counsel him Ravana was very disturbed. He said to Vibhisana, “Why do you question my prowess. No one can defeat me. I will defeat Rama. Single handedly I can wipe out the entire monkey army. Why do you question me? I cannot give Sita. There will be war.” Vibhisana was devastated. There is nothing else he could do. But still he was going to try.

Ravana then called all his greatest war generals in the assembly hall. He told them that his heart has been captivated by Sita and he cannot give her up. He told them a lie. He said that Sita promised him that if Rama does not come to take her away within a year then she will be mine. Someone told him that you have strength of thousands of elephants and Sita is just a little girl, why don’t you enjoy her by force. Ravana then revealed a secret, once he was infatuated by seeing the beauty of heavenly damsel Rambha. He chased after her and forcibly enjoyed her. She went to her husband Nalakuvera. He was so devastated that he cursed me that if I ever try to enjoy any woman without her independent consent, then my head will break into hundreds of pieces. Lord Brahma confirmed this curse upon me. So I cannot enjoy Sita by force. She has to submit to me and she will never submit to me till she has hope that Rama will come to rescue her. Hearing this all the generals gave their full support to Ravana and agreed for war.

At that time Vibhisana stood up and said, “Who has put this venomous serpent around you. Sita is like a serpent; Her charming smile her fangs; Her shapely form is her coils; Her caste faithful love for Lord Ramacandra is like the venomous poison that is going to be the cause of your death. Give up Sita and live. By fighting with Rama you are putting a noose around your own neck.” At that time Indrajit began to brag about his prowess. Vibhisana chastised Indrajit. When Ravana heard Vibhisana chastising his son, he became furious. He stared into his eyes and said, “It is better to live with a venomous snake then with someone who is taking the shelter of your enemy.” He then rejected Vibhisana and asked him to get out of Lanka.

Lord Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad-Gita, within every heart there is a divine and the demoniac nature by the choices we make and by our own seriousness in our spiritual practice we are meant to cultivate and give strength to our divine nature and subdue this demonic nature that is within us.

Shurpanakha wanted to enjoy Rama and kill Sita devi, Ravana wanted to enjoy Sita and kill Rama and Vibhisana wanted to return Sita to Rama and offer loving devotion. They are living in the same place. In a similar way in our own hearts we have Shurpanakha’s tendencies, Ravana’s tendencies and deep down we have our eternal natural Vibhisana’s tendencies. We can cleanse the heart of the anarthas of Ravana and Shurpanakha by taking shelter of Lord Himself and in this age of Kali the Lord is there to annihilate these demons within and empower the divinity within us by the chanting of the holy names.

After being chastised by Ravana, Vibhisana and his four faithful ministers ascended in the sky. From there he looked down and spoke these final words to his brother, “I have honestly tried to help you. But I cannot tolerate harsh words against me, nor can I tolerate your sinful attachment to Sita. On this very day I am going to leave behind my family, wealth and everything I have and I renounce you.

Sugriva and other monkey soldiers saw Vibhisana and his four ministers in the sky and were about to attack them. Vibhisana said that he had come to take shelter of Lord Ramacandra. Sugriva went to Lord Rama and informed him about Vibhisana. Lord Rama asked them what He should do with Vibhisana. Sugriva said, they are demons, by nature they are deceitful and they cannot be trusted. Jambavan had similar opinion. Finally Lord asked Hanuman for his opinion.

Hanuman said, “Vibhisana is honest. While in Lanka he was constantly advising Ravana to give back Sita devi. We should immediately accept him to be one of our family members. He wants shelter, please give him shelter.” Lord Ramacandra very much appreciated Hanuman’s words.

Lord Rama’s vow : Lord Ramacandra then spoke His immortal words, “Anyone whoever they may be, who sincerely take shelter of Me and honestly says, even once, that from this day on my Lord I take Your shelter, I have to give him shelter. I declare this vow before all of you. Even if Ravana himself were to come to me today and with a sincere and honest heart seek shelter of Me, I will give him shelter.”

Upon hearing this all the monkeys were weeping in ecstasy to see the nature of lord Ramacandra’s mercy. They all shouted “Jai Sri Rama”.

What it really means by surrender. It is not just our words. To take shelter means to sincerely repent for one’s past misgivings, to vow to give up one’s misbehavior and to give one’s heart and take shelter of the Lord who has appeared in His holy names:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare |

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare ||

Then Vibhisana came down from the sky and surrendered his life to Lord Ramacandra. Rama told him that in days to come He will conquer Ravana and he would be the future king. Lord then coronated Vibhisana as the king of Lanka here – Kothandarama Swamy Temple. Lord Ramacandra asked Vibhisana, how to cross the ocean and Vibhisana told Him that He should ask Samudradev for help.

The Gandamadhana parvat

Meanwhile Ravana sent Shuka to somehow convince Sugriva to give up Rama’s side. When Shuka came in the form of a bird and delivered this message, all the monkeys became enraged and they started beating him. Shuka cried out for Rama and Rama called for him. Rama said, he has taken shelter of Me. Release him. Shuka went back and told Ravana what had happened and requested him that he should better give Sita devi back or else Lanka will be destroyed.

Kothandarama Swamy Temple 2

4) Bilondi tirtha is an amazing place. It is said that Lord Rama struck an arrow in the sea to satisfy Mother Sita’s thirst and a fountain of pure water appeared at this place in the midst of the salty sea. Sita devi drank the water and was satisfied. This well is still there within the sea and is connected by narrow walking bridge which leads to the well. This place is located 6 kms on the main road connecting Ramanath Swamy temple to Pamban bridge. It is 15 minutes walk off the main road. On the main road, you will also find Ekantha Rama temple – where locals say Lord Rama spent some time in seclusion.

Ekantha Rama temple

Ekantha Rama temple

Ekantha Rama temple

Ekantha Rama temple

5) Sri Ekantha Ramaswamy Temple is about six km from Rameshwaram Temple on the main road connecting to Pamban. This is the place where Lord Ramacandra spent some time in seclusion. The temple has also a well which was used to quench the thirst of monkey soldiers of Lord Rama.

Sri Ekantha Ramaswamy Temple

Sri Ekantha Ramaswamy Temple

6) Rama Tirtham, Lakshman Tirtham and Sita Tirtham – located nearby each other and very close to Ramnath Swamy temple are around 1 km walk on main road. Rama Tirtam is the place where Lord Ramacandra took rest for a while on His way to Lanka. This is close to Rameshwaram temple about 1 km walk from Rameshwaram Temple.

Rama Tirtam

Rama Tirtam

Rama Tirtam

Rama Tirtam

Picture of Floating rocks that were used by the monkey army of Lord Ramacandra for building sethu (bridge) across to Lanka

6) Jada Tirtham is on the way to the Dhanushkodi Tirtham while going from Rameshwaram. Lord Ramacandra washed His hair (Jada) in this tirtham on the way back after He killed Ravana so as to purify Himself before commencing the pooja for Siva linga.

Jada Tirtham

7) Pamban Bridge :-

Pamban Bridge

Pamban Bridge

Rameshwaram is an island which was connected by the main land with the help of Boat services from Mandapam on early days. Now day’s two famous Bridges which connect Rameshwaram and Mandapam viz the bow shaped Road Bridge and cantilever Railway Bridge are the eye attractions of anyone passing through.

The Pamban Bridge is a cantilever bridge on the Palk Strait which connects Rameshwaram on Pamban Island to mainland India. It refers to both the road bridge and the cantilever railway bridge, though primarily it means the latter. It was India’s first sea bridge. It is the second longest sea bridge in India (after Bandra-Worli Sea Link) at a length of about 2.3 km. The railway bridge is 6,776 ft (2,065 m) and was opened for traffic in 1914. The railroad bridge is a still-functioning double-leaf bascule bridge section that can be raised to let ships pass under the bridge.

Road Bridge: The engineering marvel of this bridge took 14 years to complete. Inaugurated in 1988, it is designed like a bow over the sea to allow ships to pass beneath. The bridge is 2.03 km long and is supported by 79 pillars (64 of which are built in the sea). This bridge is also known as Pamban Bridge or Annai Indira Gandhi Bridge.

Rail Bridge: this bridge was built during 1913 and is 2.06 km long. A portion of the bridge opens up like a pair of scissors to let the ship pass under it

. ship pass under it.

ship pass under it.