Category Archives: Trivandrum

Temple Darshan Timings Morning


03:30 am to 04:45 am (Nirmalya Darshanam)
06:30 am to 07:00 am
08:30 am to 10:00 am
10:30 am to 11:10 am
11:45 am to 12:00 noon

05:00 pm to 06:15 pm
06:45 pm to 07:20 pm

The above-indicated time schedule is subject to changes during festivals and other special occasions. During the festival occasions the darshan time is reduced in order to performing the special poojas.

At 12 noon free Annadanam Maha-Prasadam of Sri Ananta Padmanabha Swamy is served inside the temple at prasadam hall for all the visiting pilgrims.

Darshan, Sevas and Festivals

Sri Ananta Padmanabha swamy temple celebrates bi-annual festivals in the months of Thulam (Alppasi) and Meenam (Painkuni). A function is conducted for according formal sanction to conduct the Utsavam (festival). The Alppashi festival which is in October/November and the Painkuni festival which is in March/April, lasts for 10 days each. These festivals culminate with the Aarat (holy bath) procession to the Shankumugham beach. The word Aarat refers to the purificatory immersion of the deities of the temple in sea. This event takes place in the evening. The King of Travancore escorts the Aarat procession by foot. The festival starts with Kodiyettu (flag hoisting) at Sri Padmanabhaswamy’s gold and Sri Krishnaswamy’s silver flag poles. The festival is of ten days duration culminating in the spectacular Palliveta and Aarat processions on the 9th and 10th days respectively. Special Sreebalies (processions) are conducted twice a day, in the evening 4.30 pm and at night 8.30 pm.

The Deities of Sri Padmanabhaswamy, Lord Sri Krishna and Lord Nrsimhadeva are carried in the Aarat procession. The Aarat procession slowly proceeds with pomp and pageantry, colour and music, men carrying divine emblems and insignias of royalty. The procession reaches the Sanghumugham beach and the Vahanams are positioned in the Aarat Mandapam. Deities are given the holy immersion in the sea after the prescribed poojas. After this ceremony, the Deities are taken back to the temple as a procession in the light of traditional torches, marking the conclusion of the festival. Once during the reign of King Marthanda Varma, an elephant ran amock. Since then, the practice of using elephants to carry the Deities in the procession was given up and Vahanas (vehicles) carried on the shoulder by a number of priests came into vogue. Six different kinds of beautiful conveyances are used for these processions. They are the Simhasana Vahanam (Throne), Anantha Vahanam (Serpant), Kamala Vahanam (Lotus), Pallakku Vahanam (Palanquin), Garuda Vahanam (Garuda) and Indra Vahanam (Gopuram). Of these the Pallakku and Garuda Vahanas are repeated twice and four times respectively. The Garuda Vahanam is considered as the favourite conveyance of the Lord.

Other Stories about the Temple

•  On 10th January,1563 it was reported that milk started flowing from the cracks of the altar wall. This happened three times that year thus instilling the fact that Lord Sri Ananta Padmanabha Swamy is resting on the milk ocean. In 1628, this incident about milk was again observed, this time from northern side of Rama temple opposite to main altar. To stop this flow, cracks in this small shrine was sealed. If one is fortunate than one can see these sealed spots with a close look.
•  Even today for a few fortunate at a particular location on the back side of the altar wall near the lotus feet of Lord, one can hear the mild sound of sea waves.
•  In 1818, the Deity of the Lord in sleeping pose moved and pujaris could feel the tremor in the altar.
•  In 1865, at midnight one day a massive sound of a lion was heard inside the main temple. Even today after closing the temple gates the temple guards relate the same experience happening, thus indicating the wonderful pastime of Lord Nrsimhadeva in the temple.

Other Darshans and Attractions inside the Temple

Inside Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple complex there are a number of shrines.

Sri Krishna Temple:
Sri Krishna temple is situated in the northern side and it is believed that this is the place where Bilvamangal Thakura disappeared from this world. This temple has a flag staff made of silver.

Hanuman Deity:
There is a huge Deity of Hanuman near the golden flag staff of Lord Padmanabha. The body of Hanuman is covered with butter. This butter will not melt even in hot days or even in the presence of fire and will not attract ants and insects. In the seventeenth century, as mentioned above, when there occurred a massive fire in the temple, the butter was not affected. It is mentioned that the fire could not go beyond this point. Also, there are huge Deities of Jaya and Vijaya, the two kshetrapalas (protectors) are located near Hanumanji. It is believed that the foot of one kshetrapala is growing day by day. This is evident from the protruding of the leg beyond the wooden fencing.

Lord Nrsimhadeva Temple:
Before entering the main altar of Sri Ananta Padmanabha Swamy, we also are blessed with the darshan of beautiful form of Lord Nrsimhadeva.

Kulashekhara Alvar mandapam:
As we come outside of the main altar of Sri Ananta Padmanabha Swamy, we see a small mandapam dedicated to Kulashekhara Alvar. This is the place where King Kulasekhara composed many of his divine songs including famous Mukunda-mala-stotra. It is a marvellous and fantastic architectural work on stone. It is also known as Aayiramkaal Mandapam and Sapthaswara Mandapam. It is supported by 28 balustrades of pillars. The pillars on the four corners can produce musical notes when tapped. The pillars are adorned with exquisitely carved figures in half and full relief. It is called as Dashavatar Mandapam due to depictions of dashavatara on the mandapa pillars.

Ottakkal mandapam:
The Ottakkal mandapam is single stone platform in the Sri Padmanabhaswamy temple is a striking feature. The Mandapam is in front of the sanctum sanctorum of Lord Sri Padmanabhaswamy. This structure is built with a single slab of granite which is two and a half feet thick and twenty feet square. The Abhishekams to Lord Sri Padmanabhaswamy are performed in this mandapam. Its granite pillars are covered with gold.

Abhisravana mandapam:
This structure is in front of the Ottakkal mandapam but outside the Cherruchuttu containing the sanctum sanctorum. Special poojas related with temple festivals are performed here. Devotees use this mandapam for meditation and prayers.

The Golden flag-staff (Dwaja Stambham):
An eighty feet high pole near the eastern corridor was installed by Anizham Tirunal. A teak wood of this dimension was carried from the nearby forest to the temple. As per shastras, the wood should not touch the ground while in transport. The teak pole was then covered completely with gold foils. The apex of the flag pole has a figure of Garuda Swamy, in kneeling posture.

Nine Entrances:
The temple has nine entrances, indicating the nine orifices of the human body.

The temple has a 100 foot, seven-tier gopuram on the eastern entrance. On top, there are seven golden domes suggesting pointers to the seven Worlds. The 10 incarnations of Lord Sri Krishna are portrayed inside the first storey of the gopuram. . The ground floor under the gopuram is known as the ‘Nataka Sala’ where the famous temple art, Kathakali is staged in the night during the ten-day uthsavam conducted twice a year, during the Malayalam months of Meenam and Thulam. The other three entrances are double storied Padippuras in typical Kerala Style. Entry to the upper levels of the gopuram is restricted.

The Sreebalippura (Corridor):
The temple has a marvelous Sreebalippura. This magnificent rectangular corridor built of stone surrounds the main shrines and it is through this corridor that the Vahanams are taken out during Sreebali (procession). Records say that daily 4000 stone artisans, 6000 labourers and 100 elephants worked for a period of six months to finish the construction of the Sreebalippura. Sreebalippura is supported by 365 and a one quarter of pillars. Each pillar is a monolith. The master artisan AnanthaPadmanabha Moothassari was in charge of the work.

Theerthams (Sacred water resources):
The temple stands by the side of a tank, named Padma Theertham. Padma theertham is one of the oldest water bodies in the city of Thiruvananthapuram. The temple has a large number of sacred water resources situated even in places far away from the temple.

Large numbers of bells adorn the temple. In most cases, the tip of the bell has a metal banyan leaf attached to its tongue.

Mural paintings:
The outer walls of the sanctum sanctorum of Lord Sri Ananta Padmanabha Swamy and Lord Sri Krishna are adorned with murals. Of these, the Anantha sayanam on the backside of the sanctum is termed as the largest one among the temple murals of Kerala, and was painted by a brahmin artist by name Chalayil Kalahasti. It is of 18 feet long.

Multiplicity of Mandapams:
Another feature of this temple is the multiplicity of Mandapams (platforms). There are 11 mandapams in the temple and 8 in the Padma theertham pond.