Category Archives: Govardhan

Apsara Kunda

Navala means "evergreen." Govardhana Hill is said to resemble a peacock. This kunda is also called Punchari Kunda because this area is the tail (brunch) of Govardhana. Punchari is part of the area where Krishna performed the spring rasa dance with the gopis. On the bank of this kunda is the Navala-bihari temple.

Navala Kunda (Punchari Kunda)

Getting there- This kunda is right next to Apsara Kunda. This kunda is at the opposite end of Govardhana Hill from Radha Kunda.

Narasimha Temple

Narasimha Temple

Next to Navala Kunda, on a small hill, is a Narasimha Temple. You can get a good view of Govardhana Hill from the top of the temple, if you can get up there. Rasa Sthali This place is close to Punchari. Krishna is said to have per-formed His rasa-lila pastimes here. In this area there are tamaal and kadamba trees that are in pairs. These trees are said to date back 5,000 years ago and are said to have witnessed the rasa-lila dance.

Punchari Ka Lautha Baba Temple

This temple is dedicated to Lautha, a friend of Krishna, who sat and waited for Krishna to return to Vrindavana from Mathura. Because this temple is close to Punchari he has become known as Punchari Ka I.autha. The deity of Lautha is red and he is sitting. This deity is one of the most famous in Braja

. Punchari Ka Lautha Baba Temple

When Akrura was taking Krishna away to Mathura, Lautha asked Krishna when He would return. Krishna told him he would return the day after tomorrow. Lautha said he would not eat or drink anything until He returned. He then came to this place and sat down. This deity of Lautha is still waiting for Krishna to return. Getting there- This temple is about 70m from Apsara Kunda, on the main parikrama path. It is a bigger than average road-side temple. Kadamba Va

n Kadamba Van

Surabhi Kunda, Indra Kunda and Airavata Kunda are all in Kadamba Van forest. It is said that Radha and Krishna would meet in this forest and have pastimes here. After you leave the Apsara Kunda area you can either walk on the dirt path, close to Govardhana Hill, or follow the paved road.

Surabhi Kunda

This place is where Surabhi got Indra forgiven, for the great offense that he committed against Krishna and the residences of Braja. It is a good-size kunda in the middle of the Kadamba Van forest.

Surabhi Kunda

Lord Indra asked the Surabhi cow to come with him to ask for the mercy of Lord Krishna, after Indra offended Him. Indra then went before Krishna and offered his obeisances. Then Surabhi approached Lord Krishna and asked Him to forgive Lord Indra.

"The transcendental surabhi cow, who also came with Inds to see Krishna, offered her respectful obeisances unto Him and worshiped Him. The surabhi offered her prayers to Krishna as follows. "My dear Lord Krishna, You are the most powerful of all mystic yogis because You are the soul of the complete universe, and from You only all this cosmic manifestation has taken place. Therefore, although Indra tried his best to kill my descendant cows in Vrindavana, they remain under Your shelter, and You have protected them all so well. We do not know anyone else as the Supreme, nor do we go to any other god or demigods for protection. Therefore, You are our Indra, You are the Supreme Father of the whole cosmic manifestation, and You are the pro¬tector and elevator of all the cows, brahmanas, demigods and others who are pure devotees of Your Lordship. O Supersoul of the universe, let us bathe You with our milk because You are our Indra. O Lord, You appear just to diminish the burden of im-pure activities on the earth." (Krishna Book, Chap 27)

Getting there- If you are on the inside dirt parikrama path, this kunda is about 1½ km from Apsara Kunda. This kunda is about 30m (100 ft) to the left of the parikrama path, through a few trees. You will see a red sandstone build¬ing.